A(nother) good starting point for building your own design, this template is CSS/XHTML valid and is free to use (although a thanks somewhere would be nice).
Download: addiction.zip
Preview: https://ukthoughts.co.uk/data/templates/ad/
And the winner for the most un-original name for anything goes to me! Moving on…For the past month I have been using to keep up with all the feeds I am subscribed to (and there are a lot).
If I had a Mac – which I should hopfully be getting in the next few months years I would be using NetNewsWire, but untill then I am very pleased with FeedDemon!
On to the actual point of the post. I decided to make my own style for it using some of my CSS magic. Here’s a quick preview:
Download: thoughts.fdxsl
I use a del.icio.us bookmarklet to speed things up when I am adding sites to the links section, and I tell you what – it makes things a hell of a lot easier.
I decided to build my own in order to update the side-blog of this site and because I am such a nice guy I thought I would share the knowledge. There might already be some sort of similar bookmarklet out there, so I apologise in advance if there is.
Download: txp_linklet.txt
Windows Tested: Opera 8.0, Firefox 1.0.3 and Internet Explorer 6.
Instructions: Please change https://ukthoughts.co.uk/textpattern/ to your own textpattern path.
I designed this script to power any links to Amazon products from this site.
It’s a tiny script, and is only these for people with no PHP ability what so ever who wanted something cool. I am planning to add some more features soon, so please stay tuned.
This script is compatible with clean URLs, this feature doesn’t really add much to it, but it’s pretty cool.
Download: buy.txt
Example: https://ukthoughts.co.uk/buy/1590593812
You can turn this cool feature on by adding the following to you .htaccess file. Please note there are literally 9999 ways of creating clean URLs, so you may be able to find a better one for your needs.
ForceType application/x-httpd-php
AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm .php
You also need to knock the .php bit of the script.
A good starting point for building your own design, this template is CSS/XHTML valid and is free to use (although a thanks somewhere would be nice). 14th April – updated CSS stylesheet with some fixes for IE 5.5.
Download: sgrass.zip
Preview: https://ukthoughts.co.uk/misc/templates/sg/
This is the page where you can download my Firefox wallpaper. It’s available in every size that I know of so there is no excuse.
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