It's fun to burn stuff

Guy Fawkes Tomorrow is Bonfire Night where here in the UK we burn the treacherous Guy Fawkes – although I am always game to gather round a huge fire and burn stuff, I can’t but feel a little (only a little) sorry for the ‘guy’ that we have been burning for over 400 years!

04/11/05 @ 21:51 | Read More | Comments [3]

CSS Reboot No. 2

CSS Reboot - Fall 05 The last few days have flown by, so fast that the whole site almost wasn’t ready for The Reboot. Thankfully even though the design you see now isn’t the one I had been developing for some time – This one looks better in my opinion and, what’s more, it’s fluid, a first in the history of UK Thoughts.

This reboot sees a lot more people than last time, which means the standard should be even higher than last time and we get to see much more cool designs this time around. I can’t wait to start rating all the other 960 or so designs!

31/10/05 @ 21:34 | Read More | Comments [15]

Why it's good to research

Oh deer you have got yourself in a right mess. You may have heard of , Google’s mail service offering over 2.5 GB of space to store your email, heck I use it, you probably use it.

Well it seems as though Google forgot to do its research into their product name before they ‘launched’ it (technically it’s still in beta). I am a believer in learning from other peoples/businesses mistakes’ because chances are someone has make the same mistake before you have. So. and make sure you research the name for your product, company etc before your go overboard with the branding!

23/10/05 @ 21:45 | Read More | Comments

A month!?

I had a look at UK Thoughts this morning and realised it has been exactly 1 month since my last post. I have been reasonably busy with life outside the monitor (!) and I have been keeping the sidenotes section as up to date as I can so you have something else to do so visiting isn’t a complete waste of your time!

My blogging skills seem to be going through a slow period of “Nah, it’s too much hard work to write anything. I will do it tomorrow”. I will try to reverse this trend and post more regularly.

22/10/05 @ 03:41 | Read More | Comments

Microsoft's new creative tools

You might have noticed that Microsoft’s new range of products for the creative industry has been announced, nicely called . It is clearly a way for Microsoft to jump on the same wagon of Adobe and Macromedia as m$ doesn’t really have an equivalent to Dreamweaver, because let’s face it which professional uses anyway?

22/09/05 @ 03:41 | Read More | Comments [7]

Comments are back

It appears that since I upgraded to Textpattern 4 the comment system has been down – doh. Thanks to for bringing this to my attention.

Some time in the next couple of weeks I will take the site down to overhaul everything (including the design) and hopefully it will be back online for the October reboot.

07/09/05 @ 21:43 | Read More | Comments [2]

Does my opinion count?

There is a interesting topic I have been meaning to talk about for some time and Jon Hick’s post Do I blog for profit, backhanders or Scotch Eggs? (did you see this post in Jon? :-)). Talking of which, does my previous post does on Mint make you want it even more?

I find that the opinion of my internet peers and trusted bloggers counts a lot more than a review site, or and article I read in the paper. I am not entirely sure why I trust them more, maybe it’s because I know they don’t get paid to write what they are saying (in most cases), nor are they a big company where who ever wrote the article is someone I have know idea what they look like or their background information; as it can been seen in every bloggers about section.

07/09/05 @ 20:48 | Read More | Comments [3]

I got minted

I got an email late last night telling me that I could purchase – a fresh look at my site. Obviously I took up Shaun’s offer and paid my $30 (about �15) to download my copy and get in on my server ASAP!

As we have come to expect from Shaun Inman, the designer/developer hybrid, it has a nice interface with a nice helping of AJAX to save me refreshing the whole page every time I want to do anything.

06/09/05 @ 19:06 | Read More | Comments [2]

1 year of UK Thoughts

That’s right, it has been 1 year (to the day almost) since I started this little weblog using Blogger as my tool. I have had so much fun this past year with this blog, things really took off in January when I moved it over to it’s own server and now look where it is (where is it!?). I wonder what form it will be in a year from now?

Anyway it appears as though someone has stolen the limelight by a) Starting a weblog 5 years before me b) Having a competition to celebrate. However, I think I will get back at Bryan by saying that it is now the UK Thoughts/ Avalonstar Birthday Bash – so head over there and enter his nice competition to win one of the following:

16/08/05 @ 02:04 | Read More | Comments

Textpattern 4!

Nice to seen my favourite CMS go into its first stable release ; we all knew it was coming after the amazing progress that has been made over the last month or so.

As for upgrading I think it has gone pretty smoothly although when it comes to hacking in my customizations I have had a few problems mainly with the read more links which now say ”# DEPRECATED – provided only for backwards compatibility” in the code…mmmm.

15/08/05 @ 23:27 | Read More | Comments [1]